13 Sep



Wednesday, September 13, 2017 (8:00 AM to 4:00 PM)

Fredericksburg Expo

FAAR EXPO-Fast Track to Excellence

You're Registered!
This includes lunch from 11am-1pm, trade show floor, unlimited classes and 1 drink ticket for the Victory Lane Bash
Don't miss the Victory Lane Bash from 2pm-4pm and post-expo YPN Networking at 4pm at Buffalo Wild Wings! Consider donating blood in the Redcross Bloodmobile from 10-2! Register for a time slot by choosing the expo date and location at http://www.redcrossblood.org/give

Fredericksburg Expo
2371 Carl D Silver Pkwy
Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Map & Directions

Guarantee Your Listing Clients the Highest Possible Price
  • Begins 09.13.2017 (9:00AM)
  • Ends 09.13.2017 (10:00AM)
Cancellation Policy: Please notify the FAAR Academy at 540-373-7711 if you are unable to attend a scheduled course. No refunds are given without 24 hours prior notice. To prevent course cancellation please register early. Courses are subject to cancellation if the minimum enrollment for a course is not met. If a course has been cancelled, you will receive a notification e-mail please call FAAR for a refund or transfer to another course.