25 Apr ABR Accredited Buyers Representative Designation ABR Accredited Buyers Representative Designation Monday, April 25, 2022 (9:00 AM) to Tuesday, April 26, 2022 (5:00 PM) FAAR Academy, Fredericksburg, Virginia ABR Designation Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocationCancellation Policy Gain a unique understanding of home buyers' needs and how to best serve them. Receive specialized information to stay on top of home buying issues and trends. Gain access to exclusive resources to share with your clients and give you even more of a competitive edge! FAAR Academy FAAR AcademyFAAR Academy2050 Gordon W Shelton BlvdFredericksburg, VA 22401 Map & Directions Cancellation Policy: Please notify the FAAR Academy at 540-373-7711 if you are unable to attend a scheduled course. No refunds are given without 24 hours prior notice. To prevent course cancellation please register early. Courses are subject to cancellation if the minimum enrollment for a course is not met. If a course has been cancelled, you will receive a notification e-mail please call FAAR for a refund or transfer to another course.